
Double pendulum simulation in Javascript.

Live Interactive Demo

The demo shows how very small changes in initial conditions can make for a very different behaviour of the system in a very short time; thus making it a chaotic system.

The demo starts with 2 pendulums using the same initial conditions, one pendulum has one of its starting values changed by EPSILON (configurable) (default is 0.0001)

even with that small of a change the different pendulums will start to diverge after about 5-7 seconds.

Solver test; A graph plotter with several equations; was used in developing NDSolve numerical differential equations solver.

More information about the math and equations of motion can be found on Wikipedia and Wolfram science world.

NDSolve class

A simple numerical differential equations solver. the solver integrates in real time.

Supports the Euler forward method, and the classical Runge-Kutta method (RK4).

Euler’s method is a very simple and fast method to numerically solve an ODE. The downside is that it is not very accurate and requires using a very small step size.

Runge-Kutta on the other hand is much more involved, but its very fast and very accurate.